Monday, January 3, 2011

The Inspiration

After a quick google search - i found Julie Powell's original "The Julie/Julia Proect" blog ( of which i've read the first few pages thus far. I figure it's a worthy investment of my time to read through the blog at least initially - to get an idea of how she attacked her mission. I can continue reading of course just depending on the overall interest level.

Upon my search for the blog - i found an interesting short interview that was done with Julie and provided her take on the "Julie and Julia" movie. The interview can be found here -

She does seem to curse a lot! I like this though, I like a woman that curses - dunno why, eh - maybe it's a Brooklyn thing - ha! Another interesting tidbit about her, she didn't actually live in Queens at the time of the blog (as indicated by the movie) but rather, in Brooklyn - close to my old stomping grounds to boot, as I lived in Bensonhurt and she lived in Bay Ridge, which is right next to Bensonhurst (albeit - i didn't live there at that time) - funny world!

From the first few blogs i read of hers, i didn't notice any pictures or videos or much about the ingredients. That might change later into the blog, or maybe not - not sure. I'm guessing the photo/video stuff maybe wasn't as prolific when she did her blog.

I'm not sure what lines i have to draw in regards to copyright. As such, i won't post any specific recipes but it's my plan to show the actual ingredients. Ideally, let's get serious right? hehehe, this is Vitamix stuff - not "fine dining" - so for many of the recipes, it may be quite ok to experiment w/the ingredient portions to one's own liking - heck, that's part of the beauty/joy of owning the vitamix. Other recipes maybe will need to be more specific. We shall see.

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